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Shii Studies Review 2, Shafique N. Virani , (2018) Abstract    Download:  Alamut_Ismailism_and_Khwajah_Qasim_Tusht.pdf 
Has Kalki Already Appeared as ʿAlī? The Influence of Hindu Beliefs on the Nizārī Ismaili Khojas, KUTLUTURK, Cemil , 2017, Volume Vol X, Issue No. 1, (2017)
1 ISMAILI PIRS, VAKILS & SAYEDS OF SOUTH ASIAN REGIONS , Tajddin Sadiq Ali, Mumtaz Ali , Mumbai, p.94, (2015) Abstract    Download:  Ismaili Pirs, Vakils & Sayeds of South Asian Regions.pdf 
The Entanglement of the Ginans in Khoja Governance, Shodhan, Amrita , 2007, (2007)    Download:  The_entanglement_of_the_Ginan_in_Khoja_g.doc  The_entanglement_of_the_Ginan_in_Khoja_g.doc 
The Ismaili "Ginan" Tradition from the Indian Subcontinent, Gillani, Karim , 2004, (2004)
A Scent of Sandalwood: Indo-Ismaili Religious Lyrics, Esmail, Aziz , Volume 1, Richmond (Surrey), p.228p., (2002) Abstract
Avichal Allah, Avichal Khalaq, Tajddin Sadiq Ali, Mumtaz Ali , (1993) Abstract    Download:  Avichal Allah Avichal Khalaq by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin.pdf 
Glossary of Holy Ginan, Tajddin Sadiq Ali, Mumtaz Ali , Volume 1, Bombay, p.67, (1993) Abstract    Download:  Glossary of the Ginans.pdf 
Observation and Comments on our Modern Ginanic Literature 1979-02-25, ismailia-Association , p.Part 1, (1980) Abstract

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