In all his multifarious dealings with all sorts of people, our Prophet was gentle and kind,straightforward and upright. He had a sweetness and charm of his own in his talk and deportment. He stood aloof from the feuds and wranglings of his people, but he was always ready to share the weal and woes of everyone and give a helping hand to the needy and down-trodden.

  When our Prophet reached the age of forty, he was called upon by the Almighty to proclaim the message of Islam. He denounced the Worship of idols. He told them about the dignity of Man who was made in the image of his Creator. He upbraided them for their evil ways and all sorts of injustice and asked them to lead lives of righteousness and piety and to come back to the path of justice and fair play. He exhorted them to acquire knowledge and take their rightful place in the scheme of creation. Above all, he called upon them to worship Allah, the one and only Lord of all that is between the heavens and the earth.

His people who were steeped in idolatry and other abominable vices, turned against him. He was laughed at, jeered upon and pelted with stones. His very life was at times in
danger, but he stood like a rock against all heavy odds with illimitable faith in Allah, in the justice of his cause and the truthfulness of his mission. He thus triumphed over all opposition and all impendiments. In trouble and affliction, as well as in prosperity and joy, he ever saw and humbly acknowledged the hand of God.

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