For these seven days one also gets opportunity to partake of the Ab-e- shifa and purify one's soul: As special prayers are asked before Hazar Imam, the opportunity to offer Awal Sufro is given and Jamati members also participate in Thar Sufro by bringing their food offerings from home.
Besides, Jamati Satada, we also have Baitulkhyal Satada which has its own significance.
If there is unrest in the country, if there is drought, famine epidemic has broken out, the Jamat can establish special Satadas besides the two Satadas.
Satadas can also be established in the Jamat by any individual if his reasons are good and strong. One should not seek to establish a Satada for very simple and minor reasons. The Satada would lose its effect if this ritual is made common and established for all minor difficulties.
We should not take this ceremony very lightly. It is a very powerful means for averting calamities and therefore when we participate in this, we should be strong in our prayers and our supplications should be true, intense and sincere.
During Jamati Satada each and every member of the Jamat should make it a point to attend Jamatkhana for all the seven days consecutively, as in this ceremony, each person prays for all others, just as the benefit of the prayers of others come to him.