In the year 1946, the Jamats in India and Africa weighed Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah in diamonds in Bombay and in Dar-es-Salaam to mark the 60 years of his Imamat. This was a memorable and glorious occasion in the history of the Ismailis, but Mowlana Hazar Imam could not attend any of the ceremonies because he was attending school.

In the year 1954, Mowlana Hazar Imam and Prince Amyn Muhammad paid a brief visit to the Jamats in India and Pakistan. Mowlana Hazar Imam performed religious ceremonies on behalf of Hazrat Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah. Earlier in this year, the Jamats had celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah to mark the 70 years of his glorious Imamat. Two years later, that is in 1976, Mowlana Hazar Imam and Prince Amyn Muhammad visited the Madagascar Jamat and gave the Arabic version of our Holy Du'a. Mowlana Hazar Imam blessed the Jamat and read out the Message of Hazrat Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah which said:

"Dear Spiritual children,

  In a world where all people are involved in tumult, and each man is in search of happiness by diverse means, fair or foul, Jamats should never forget that prayer is the key to success. Pray regularly and sincerely, together in community. Pray and live like brothers. That is the only road to success, be it in business, be it in your private lives. Rivalry will never bring you success, even if it does not give you misery. Attend regularly to your Du'a every morning, as in the evening. Du'a is the foundation of religion."

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