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Pir Sadardin

Our 26th Holy Pir Sadardin

Our 26th Holy Pir Sadardin was born in Sabzwar in Iran on the 2nd day of Rabi-ul-Awal in A.H. 700 (A.D. 100). He passed away in Oochh, India on the 12th day of Rajab A.H. 819 (A.D. 1416). He was also known by his ancestral name of Muhammad and also as 'Baargur', 'Sohodev', 'Harischandra', Haji Sadarshah' and 'Sadrudin'. Pir Sadardin was the great,great grandson of Pir Shams. Pir Sadardin at a very early age traveled from Khorasan with Pir Shams to Hindustan where he acquired a very deep understanding of the Hindu faith.

Avichal Allah, Avichal Khalaq

Avichal allah avi chal khalak
Publication Type  Translation
Year of Publication  1993
Authors  Tajddin Sadiq Ali, Mumtaz Ali

11 pages

Key Words  Pir sadardin; ginan; meaning; avichal allal; ismaili; translation

0715-PIR SADARDIN - 1985

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